Expert in art and music, and all that surrounds these subjects, with whom contact has been so long, has dealt with a large number of professionals in both sectors. This experience would come backed by extensive training that begins with a B.A. in Music, with concentrations on music theory and piano, and would be extended with professors like Tess Knighton, Ferenc Rados, Patrick McCreless, Joel Lester, Alan Walker, Constantin Floros, Lászlo Somfai, Charles Rosen and Bruno Nettl, among others.

He also holds a B.A. in Art History and Music Science, the latter thanks to his scholarship to study at the University of Heidelberg, Germany.

He got his Ph. D at the University of Salamanca with an interdisciplinary research project about music and plastic arts as seen on Spanish royal ceremonies; this study obtained a sobresaliente cum laude, the highest degree for a doctoral thesis, and was warmly welcomed by critics. Eventually this cultural-historical approach to Salamanca and other Castilian cities has been developed through new studies about the same topic, ranging from the 15 to the 20 century.

He is also the author of articles, cultural reviews, criticism on music programs and media speeches, as well as presentations in symposiums and conferences, both nationally and internationally, about music, history and art history. Besides its involvement in Cum Artis, and other work experiences in art and music, he plays a significant role in the Virtual Study Centre “Tomás Luis de Victoria”, a unit that hosts, among other events, the annual music international festival.

For the last nine years he has taught numerous subjects related to different disciplines, both in middle school and at a college level, in art schools, music
conservatories, the University of Valladolid and, at the present moment, the University of Salamanca.